This past week I introduced Equivalent Fractions. To introduce them we did a group sort where they were given a group of 100 different fractions and in various representations: area model, number line, dots, bars, word form and fraction form.
Each group had to work collaboratively to sort them the best way they thought. Some students got it, while others struggled. It was hard to let them struggle but over this 2 day lesson a lot of learning occurred but I was astounded by their use of academic language and explaining their thought process and grouping rationale.
With all those scraps of paper it looked like confetti or more accurately like the day after NYE in Time Square! Each group presented their posters during a gallery walk and the students that didn’t quite get it at the beginning starting seeing patterns.
I went home thinking that I needed to do a mini lesson on factors to help reinforce the steps of finding equivalent fractions AND I remembered this C-U-T-E factor activity that I did last year from Little Lovely Leaders. So, we ended our week making a factor flower garden and it is a perfect spring bulletin board! I will be hanging it on Wednesday, so check back later this week!
On Friday we will be doing my favorite part of this set…. a delicious Equivalent Fraction Activity where the students make ice cream cones that reflect equivalent fractions.
Holy Guacamole Batman! There sure are a lot of fraction activities in your packet! Wow, thanks for sharing!