What a great idea!

Layla Henry- Fancy Free in 4th- Blog
Fancy Ideas for the Everyday Classroom
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I love your blog and your freebie. I'm your newest follower!
Hooty's Homeroom
I Love the owl freebie! You need to show me how to upload the document like that!
Apples and ABC's
Thanks for commenting on my site… that's how I found you! I'm your newest follower and loving my visit here! You have great ideas. I'm sure I will be visiting often.
More Time 2 Teach
We don't have AR at my school but I'm sure I can think of another way to use your adorable owls!
Thanks for sharing!
Primary Pizzazz
Your owls are adorable!
I've awarded you the Liebster Blog Award. Come over to my page to check it out!!
Maestra Bilingue
Just wanted to let you know I've given your blog an award! If you've gotten them before, don't feel obligated to post about them again- just wanted to give your great blog a shout-out!