This year we only get 2 weeks off for Winter Break…I know, I know! I should be happy that I get an entire t-w-o weeks off but I am used to three weeks off! I feel like this year’s break has been stacked with activity after activity- and while I am enjoying these activities… I would love a second to just BE STILL! Today we had a wonderful day just being a family of four and hanging out! It. was. lovely.
While the kiddos napped I was able to post a product that one of my loyal TpT patrons asked me to create. Our district uses Thinking Maps and I incorporate them into every subject that I teach. I especially enjoy using them in writing. We always start out with a circle map which defines our topic in context and allows them to get all of the ideas out of their head and onto the paper.
I often have the students brainstorm on their own, then share 1 or 2 of their ideas with their elbow buddy and finally I crate a class circle map to create a massive list of ideas- which is especially helpful for hesitant writers.
After they are done brainstorming and have a good grasp on the writing prompt at hand and which genre we are focusing on we move onto the Beautiful Flee Map! A Flee Map is a hybrid of a Tree Map, which classifies and groups things, and a Flow Map, which sequences and orders events.
This is what it looks like and what goes in each box. It can be used for a 3 or 5 paragraph assignment. The students do not need to write in complete sentence on this. Bullet points and notes are fine. This serves as a map or plan that organizes all of their ideas and the things that they must cover in each section before they compose their first draft.
in this set are 11 mind maps:
circle map- good for any prewriting activity- whole group or individual
cause effect maps: flow map and Flee Map
persuasive writing Flee Map
Character Trait Analysis Maps- 1 tree and 1 flee map
Theme Analysis Flee maps-
Compare & Contrast Flee Map
Narrative Writing Flee Map
Blank Flee map with no support for the student, great for assessment purposes to see if they can do it on their own after the sheltered approach.
I use Flee maps for all writing, even in content writing and research reports. It is a cohesive way that they are comfortable with and they feel supported with the structure and format.
You can grab this *on sale now*, at my TpT store! Find it here and check my Facebook Page for a giveaway!
I love using Flee maps for writing!
Swinging for Success
I'm sold! Buying it now. I've been using flee maps for years, but I really like how you set this up! Nicely done, Layla. : )
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