I also included some parts of speech mini lessons to review adjectives, verbs, nouns and adverbs. These 4 sorting activities will help reinforce these 4 parts of speech by asking the student to sort the examples and non examples of each. These are all new parts of speech sorts, separate from the ones in my Parts of Speech Bundle AND I put a Valentine’s Day twist on it by having the examples be holiday verbs, nouns, adjectives and pronouns.
Lastly, are 2 poetry templates that engage the students in utilizing their senses and connecting with Valentine’s Day. I provided 2 templates to help differentiate. The first one is more simple…. and the second one requires the student to apply more specific skills, but in a guided way.
The color poetry worksheet is adorable and the robot clipart adds a great look. I cannot wait to see if I can use this with my Kindergarten classes in February.