One of my goals this year is to streamline some of my grammar lessons, teaching idioms and root words in particularly. I am doing this by teaching an idiom a day and a root (or two) a week. This is what I created to so I can stay on the straight and narrow. Hope it helps!
Here is my piece of cake idiom idea:,
I did this activity las year, but I started in the middle of the year, so I taught 3 idioms a day. After doing a lesson on idioms, I would present an idiom and ask the class if anyone had a prediction of what the idiom meant. If someone got it correct, their team would earn a table point. To help generate more guesses, I used it in a sentence so they could use contact clues to help them make a better guess.
After that, I told them the definition and had them copy it down in their idiom book. To finish the activity, they drew a picture to create a visual representation of the idiom. In their free time they could color it. I would quiz them every so often to see which roots I needed to reteach.
Here is what it looks like:
Teaching roots is a Common Core Standard for EVERY grade level 1st-9th. I always wanted to teach a root or two a week, but somehow I just never stuck with it. I would introduce new roots to my class, but there was no rhyme or reason to when I did it. Teaching in a cohesive way will make learning root words more meaningful. This year, I pledge to stay on track. I can ensure that I will stay on board because I created a weekly Root Word Activity that will help me stay more focused.
I compiled 60 of the most commonly used roots, suffixes and prefixes and made circle maps with each root. I plan on running this off as a packet and having them make a root word book.

The first 3 people who can spot 5 or more some common idioms that I used to describe these two products will win a FREE set of either the root word or idiom activity. Let the games begin! (Don’t forget to leave your email address!)
I spotted "piece of cake, stay on the straight and narrow, crack me up, barrel of monkeys, and bees knees" – woohoo! 🙂 I think those are all idioms anyway… love these activities!
Miss V's Busy Bees
yay! my first winner! You are Top Dog! Which would you like, the roots or the idiom bundle?
Fancy Free in Fourth
Layla this looks amazing!
These both look like great units. So here are the idioms I spotted: streamline, straight and narrow, bee's knees, barrel of monkeys, and cracks me up, what a steal, pledge to stay on track.
My e-mail is
What a fun way to do a contest! Okay, I found "the bee's knees", "it is a barrel of monkeys", "no rhyme or reason", "stay on the straight and narrow", and "piece of cake". I would love to have your idioms packet if I'm one of the first comments. Thanks for sharing"
"Stay on the straight and narrow", "Piece of Cake", "What a steal", "Bee's Knees", "Cracks me up", "No rhyme or reason", "It's a barrel of monkeys", "Top Dog", oh SHOOT am I number 6!? 🙁 ha! Didn't even realize!
Oh my goodness!! I LOVE your idiom and root ideas!! I was thinking about doing a "root" a day as well! Thanks SO much for creating this!
Young Teacher Love 5th Grade Blog
I love this!
I don't think I will be in the running, but I wanted to play anyway!
"stay on straight and narrow"
"bee's knees"
"barrel of monkeys"
"no rhyme or reason"
"stay on track"
"stay on board"
Oops…just in case,
I noticed stay on track, barrel of monkeys, piece of cake, bee's knees, no rhyme or reason, cracks me up, top dog. I don't know if I will still be in the running but thought what the heck!
These look fantastic! Adding to my wish list!
The Idea Backpack
What a great idea! I had already planned to do two roots a week, but the idiom idea is a phenomenal!
Surviving Sixth Grade
Wow! Thanks for sharing!! If you have time stop by my blog and join my "Classroom Tours Linky Party"! I would love to see your classroom!! If you aren't ready just quite yet, share a before pic and then go back and share an after pic! 🙂
Brigid's Daily Lesson Log
Love this idea! Bought it! Thanks.
BTW I just awarded you the Versatile Blogger Award. Check it out on Teise's Tidbits when you have a chance.
What a great idea! Thanks for sharing!
Ooooh, I really want your root word pack. It's in my wish list 🙂 I gave you a quick shout out in the Teachers Toolbox Trio linky with Alison at
Teach on a Limb