Amanda from Teaching Maddeness is hosting a linky called (New School) Year Resolutions for the up and coming year.
1) Be more organized, especially in regard with my clasroom library!
2) Connect with parents more
3) Collaborate with my new team
4) Try new things with Science and Social Studies
5) Keep up with this blog and my TpT store.
6) Use sentence stems to promote verbal skills with my ELLs
7) Keep in touch with former students and colleagues from my old school
8) Do more one on one or small group pull outs for mini lessons
9) Improve my writers workshop time
10) Make sure my homework is not just busy work.
I love Lorainne from Fabulous 4th Grade Froggies and her linky idea about a Back to School To Do List. This will probably help calm my First Day Jitters!
5) Get the owl themed tree house for my class’ multiplication and division data wall
6) Finish organizing my classroom library and labeling them with AR tags
7) Print out all of my first week of school documents
8) Find inexpensive beanbags for the reading corner
9) Buy border for my bulletin boards and name tags for desks
10) F
11) Arrange my classroom
12) Figure out my new school- teachers, team, principal, expectations, curriculum, programs, schedule
13) Relax!
14) Decide on a rug for the reading center
15) Make teacher gifts for my new team
Thanks for linking up to the party, Layla! I loved all of your resolutions, but especially #10…that's definitely something we should all work toward! 🙂
Teaching Maddeness
I love #2…I definitely need to work on my parent-classroom relationships!
Craft of Teaching
It can be hard keeping up with blogs, websites, and everything else during the school year. That's probably going to be one of my new resolutions this year as well.
Have a good school year.
Ms. Fiorini’s Stadium
Great post! I definitely need to do more Science and Social Studies. I want to find some neat projects.
Thanks for stopping by my blog 🙂
I've found some of the cutest homework ideas on Pinterest for spelling words. It integrates math and spelling. I want to make homework more meaningful in my classroom as well!
<a href=">Rock and Teach</a>
Keeping the classroom library organized is a nightmare. If I only loose 1 or 5 books each year I feel lucky. Where do you get your lessons for your writer's workshop?