Back to School! How has Summer been sooo short?
Today, I am linking up with Jeannie at Kindergarten Lifestyle for this Back to School Linky Party sharing our version of “You know it’s Back to School when…” thoughts.
Here are mine:
Here are mine:
I have LOVED staying up late and taking turns sleeping in. The idea of not having to set my alarm clock has been pure bliss. I have enjoyed taking it easy and not being soooo scheduled this summer… and now the time has come to an end. I will have a regular and repeating alarm clock, I will have to make sure I get to bed at a reasonable hour. I will have to adjust to the responsibilities that I have vacationed from.
I have been working on my new classroom so diligently. I cannot wait until it is done and I am all settled in. Having to start from scratch on bulletin boards has left me with numerous paper cuts and other battle scars (soar back, tired eyes etc.) Being a teacher can really ruin your hands! I have paper cuts from paper you should never get a cut from… example) manila folders and laminate!
I have enjoyed the ease of washing clothes this summer because I have had so little to wash. PJ’s and loungewear here, a bathing suit there and flip flops 24/7… Now with school starting, I will be back to new outfits, sorting clothes, high heels and cardigans…
What things do you think of regarding going to Back to School? Tell us all by joining Jeannie’s linky party! Click the blank chalkboard below to share yours. Can’t wait to read everyone’s ideas about back to school time!

I have some pretty mean paper cuts too! ;0)
Teach on a Limb
I KNOW! It seems so weird to get out all my work clothes again!
Write On, Fourth Grade!
In addition to all the work clothes, there are my kids' practice clothes. I can do 2-3 loads of laundry everyday ;(